Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Thyme Plant Why Does My Thyme Plant Look Dried Up?

Why does my thyme plant look dried up? - thyme plant

My thyme plant is looking quite yellow, but seems more like it is dying on the ground is very dry, but not try to Earth. Always make sure the water. All ideas, what they do, you could help THz


Anonymous said...

Stop watering for two weeks and let the soil dry out, keep the plant in a little sun during the day ... to cut within two weeks a few banana peels as small as you can, and water and soil .. You see a big difference in three weeks .. good luck ..

Anonymous said...

They seem the excess water.

Thyme is a plant, very drought tolerant and needs good drainage. A factory established thyme should not need too much water. If it is a plant that has just set, it may be that water once or twice a week during the first month, but rarely, if ever, followed. If you live in a warm, dry, you may need a little more water until established.

Pour stop and see how in a few weeks times.

Anonymous said...

They seem the excess water.

Thyme is a plant, very drought tolerant and needs good drainage. A factory established thyme should not need too much water. If it is a plant that has just set, it may be that water once or twice a week during the first month, but rarely, if ever, followed. If you live in a warm, dry, you may need a little more water until established.

Pour stop and see how in a few weeks times.

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